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Save Your Eyelashes With These Simple Tips

Are you tired of putting on mascara every day? Do you want longer, fuller lashes? Here, There and Every Hair offers eyelash extensions that will last up to 3 weeks before you need a fill, making your face ready to go every morning. Many of you may be aware of eyelash extensions and their purpose. The issue is, very few people know how to care for them to get the maximum lifespan. Here, There and Every Hair wants to ensure all of our clients get the full value for every service they receive from us. This blog offers quick pointers on eyelash extension maintenance.

Keep the Hands off the Merchandise

Feeling your new longer and fuller eyelashes can be tempting, especially when having them done for the first time. Eyelash extensions can last even longer than three weeks if you touch them as little as possible. The oil from your hands, along with the force of your touch will loosen the adhesive from your lash, removing the extension. If you find yourself in a situation where touching your eye is unavoidable, try using the tip of your fingernail to access your eye gently. Be careful when using something like a cotton swab as the eyelash extensions could get tangled into it and pull the extension off your lash.

The Right Tools to Apply and Remove Makeup


When removing makeup form your eyelid a cotton swab is suggested, but as mentioned previously, be cautious of the eyelash extensions. The best method of removing the makeup is to work from the inner corner of your eye with light strokes, do not try to remove all the makeup with one swipe. The analogy we like to use; pretend you are on an archeology dig, you want to use as little force as possible to remove the sediment without damaging the surrounding area. The gentle approach will ensure you remove your makeup without damaging or removing your eyelash extensions. Be sure to choose a makeup remover that is not oil based as it can loosen the adhesive that is attaching the extension to your eyelash.


The benefit of having eyelash extensions; no more mascara! Some people still do apply eyeliner and eyeshadow, which is acceptable. Just like choosing a makeup remover, you do not want your makeup to be oil based. When applying eyeliner and eyeshadow, your typical tools of the trade are still acceptable to use when applying around eyelash extensions. Just be sure to be careful to not place your hands around your eye for too long when applying your makeup, you do not want to pull out your extensions accidentally.

Early Removal of Extensions

The best way to remove your extensions is to let them fall out naturally or have the technician remove them for you. Never try to pull them off by yourself, as you may end up pulling out your natural lash as well. Once you have removed your natural eyelash, it could take anywhere from one to six months for them to grow back. Pulling out one lash is not the end of the world, but if you pull out too many natural lashes, you will be left with bare spots, and there will be no way of fixing it until it grows back.

Eyelash Extension Fills

A money saving tip that keeps your extensions looking full and natural is to opt for the fill option. Those veteran clients of eyelash extensions tend to have appointments roughly every two weeks to reapply new extensions as the older ones fall out. By opting for the fill option, you will not be paying for a full set as there are still existing extensions remaining on your natural lashes. Not only will this process save you from having to pay for a complete set each session, but it will also keep your eyelashes fuller looking, making it harder for your loved ones to realize that they are not your natural eyelashes.


To set up your appointment today for fuller and beautiful eyelash extensions, please contact Here, There and Every Hair. Our treatments can be done in the comfort of your own home. Please allocate roughly two hours for a full session and approximately one hour for fills.

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